Saturday, January 31, 2015

Go Hawks .... missing meds a story of one evening, really griping suspense story .....

Morning - 267 mg/dl, 253 lbs, 144/79 bp, 76 pulse and 97.3 temp.
forgot meds last night. small portions and Ingress.

Friday, January 30, 2015

Still mending, plumbing is slowing getting started again.

Morning - 225 mg/dl, 251 lbs, 143/86 bp, 82 pulse and 98.1.
Still mending, plumbing is slowing getting started again. small portions and Ingress.

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Happy about weight,but really not about glucose numbers, whats to do when your sick.

Morning - 219 mg/dl, 249 lbs, 121/83 bp, 85 pulse and 97.8 temp.
still a little sick but better. small portions and Ingress.

Saw my doctor on Tuesday, just recommended to continue what I was doing for treatment. Miralax and rest for about a week. He said it seemed to be a flu virus that at attacks digestive system. In my case constipation and cramps.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015


Morning - 189 mg/dl, 251 lbs, 137/88 bp, 83 pulse and 97.9 temp.
not well, but felling better. small portions and ingress.

Monday, January 26, 2015

cramps and backache, I do not know how women put up with it.... really

Morning - 202 mg/dl, 257 lbs, 126/88 bp, 85 pulse and 97.6 temp.
Not feeling well, intestinal cramps and backache. small portions and Ingress.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

equipment fails today, really strange....

morning- 189 mg/dl, 255 lbs, 121/83 bp, 93 pulse and 97.8 temp.
equipment fails this today. small portions and Ingress.

Friday, January 23, 2015

Late night Ice Cream was sweet, but a really bad Idea ......

Morning - 190 mg/dl, 257 lbs, 133/74 bp, 85 pulse and 97.7 temp.
Ice cream for dessert, really should not have had it so late. small portions and Ingress.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Ingressing on foot really gets your heart and lungs exercised, it really does

Morning - 170 mg/dl, 256 lbs, 138/67 bp, 70 pulse and 97.2 temp.
getting really better. small portions and Ingress.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Farming Ferndale with Stormz last night was really fun and profitable.

Morning - 179 mg/dl, 256 lbs, 114/73 bp, 82 pulse and 97.3 temp.
much better. -small portions and Ingress.

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Game day, Go Hawks I really hope they will win....

Morning - 153 mg/dl, 260 lbs, 127/63 bp, 75 pulse and 97.5 temp.
Game day Go Hawks! small portions and Ingress.

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Ingressing in Lynden last night with Stormy battling the enlightened scum was fun....

Morning - 180 mg/dl, 258 lbs, 131/69 bp, 73 pulse and 97.6 temp.
I really, really, really had fun last night playing ingress.

That is correct, LadyStormz and Iamanerd, battled the minion forces of our alien overlords the Enlightened. There we where across Front street from each other bursting and hacking and deploying reso's like there was no tomorrow. LadyStormz took a hit, but it was only a flesh wound and kept on bursting and deploying....this went on for about what seemed like hours, but was more like minutes.

In the end, stormz and I decided to walk off and let the two players have the portals. After all they where two higher level players from Ferndale when level 8 portals are all over. However, we did both have fun and got some great exercise. We did miss our third player SweetAngel, who was working late.

-- small portions and Ingress.

Friday, January 16, 2015

Better! no really!

Morning - 152 mg/dl, 259 lbs, 137/73 bp, 72 pulse and 97.0 temp.
Better! small portions and Ingress.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Remember, less is more! that is less weight, less meds, equals more fun, more life, no really!

Morning, 201 mg/dl, 259 lbs, 128/71 bp, 79 pulse and 96.8 temp.
Chinese food + Popcorn. small portions and  Ingress.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

No insulin, and yet my mg/dl is not great, but not all that high either.... no Really!

Morning - 184 mg/dl, 259 lbs, 114/79 bp, 73 pulse and 97.7 temp.
mmmm, I do not think I took my Insulin last night! - small portions and ingress.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Moving froward with better numbers.....

Morning - 159 mg/dl, 259 lbs, 122/63 bp, 73 pulse and 96.9 temp.
Better,moving forward. small portions and Ingress.

Monday, January 12, 2015

Go Hawks,

Morning - 188 mg/dl, 259 lbs, 118/71 bp, 82 pulse and 97.0 temp.
better than Saturday. small portions and Ingress.

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Ice Cream, Chocolate to be exact for dessert,yummy, but bumped by morning number just a tad!, no really!

Morning - 153 mg/dl, 257 lbs, 131/70 bp, 76 pulse and 97.7 temp.
Ice cream dessert, need I say more! -- small portions and Ingress.

Friday, January 9, 2015

Really!, TGIF and tomorrow Conference play-off for Seattle, oh ya

Morning - 128 mg/dl, 260 lbs, 134/71 bp, 71 pulse and 97.7 temp.
TGIF Lynden is freshly green again and back to farming and build inventory. - small portions and Ingress.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Second day of no R-----y! however it is real lilly's, a flower of choice.... No actually

Morning - 128 mg/dl, 258 lbs, 121/69 bp, 70 pulse and 97.0 temp
great day of ingressing and stromz. - small portions and Ingress.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

As requested, a Title without the word! yes it totally missing for them line, no I mean it R----y!

Morning - 114 mg/dl, 258 lbs, 123/81 bp, 70 pulse, 97.4 temp.
All in a mornings numbers, not bad - small portions and Ingress.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Really!, Yes in the saddle and ready to ride, no really!

Morning - 103 mg/dl, 258 lbs, 125/71 bp, 72 pulse and 97.7 temp.
Back in the saddle again.....  - small portions and Ingress

Monday, January 5, 2015

Really clam chowder is good tasting,but high in sugars, no Really!

Morning, 188 mg/dl, 257 lbs, 134/60 bp, 78 pulse and 97.3 temp.
Clam chowder may be, work in progress  -- small portions and Ingress

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Really! yes it is a fine day in the morning, no Really!

Morning - 105 mg/dl, 258 lbs, 122/72 bp, 82 pulse and 97.8 temp.
All seems to be in order, "love when a plan comes together". -- small portions and Ingress.

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Really! Yes it is a new year.

Morning - 166 mg/dl, 260 lbs, 131/58 bp, 68 pulse and 98.0 temp.
Better numbers going in to the weekend. -- small portions and Ingress

Friday, January 2, 2015

Really! Yes I blow out my caloric count yesterday, there was food everywhere. No really!

Morning - 259 mg/dl, 259 lbs, 119/71 bp, 74 pulse and 97.5 temp.
Well after a day of Movie popcorn, Sushi and Yogurt with sprinkles my caloric count was blown out. My fault, now to move forward. - small portions and ingress.....